Naming on property

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This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Naz Mustafa 6 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #8283 Reply


    Hey, My mother passed away 2 years ago now.

    She left a property to me and my 4 Siblings. At the time of her passing 2 siblings were under 18 so the property was placed in the name of just 2 of us.

    Is it possible to get the other 2 siblings added to the house deeds ? as the property has been completely paid off already ?

    Is this a difficult task ?


    #8291 Reply

    Naz Mustafa

    Hi Donny

    Thank you for your question. You would need to speak to a solicitor in order to add names onto a deed of a house. Should be a fairly straight forward process with the right solicitor.

    Many Thanks

    Mortgage sorter Team

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