Mortgage for me or to let

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This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Simon 6 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #8285 Reply



    I am currently living at home with parents. It is perfectly fine and we never have issues, however I am 30 years old and feel maybe it’s time I move out.

    I’ve always known eventually this would happen so I have saved up a large amount (£45k).

    My issue is do I go straight on the property market?, rent and save more?, stay home save? or the forth option get a mortgage on a buy to let basis that way I will be able to earn an income then the rent payments cover the mortgage payments.

    As I am in no real rush to move out.

    Can’t wait for your response, thank you !!

    #8286 Reply


    I’m not an expert but i would consider Brexit. At the mo prices are low because of all the Brexit uncertainty. So it might be a good time to buy. But then again if Brexit goes badly the prices might stay low for years 🙁

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