Dual CCJs

This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Naz Mustafa 6 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #8288 Reply


    Hey there,

    I have a question.

    Me and my partner both have had CCJs in the past. Mine was 3 years ago and my partners 4.

    Would it be impossible for us to get a Mortgage ? What would we have to do to get one ?

    Can’t wait for the reply.


    #8290 Reply

    Naz Mustafa

    HI Jade – Lee

    Thank you for your enquiry.
    we have a specialist lenders tat will consider applicaiotns from clilents with CCJ however you will find that their rates are slightly higher then your typical high street lender.

    IF you are looking into mortgages I would recommended getting a up to date copy of your credit report to help with the research of finding the best lender for you .

    Please do call on the free phone number or you can fill in our quick form and a adviser will call you back

    Many Thanks

    Mortgage Sorter Team

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