Builders Mortgage

Welcome to Mortgage Sorter Forums Ask a Question Builders Mortgage

This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Ed 6 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #8280 Reply


    Good Evening.

    My name is Gavriel , I currently own two properties within London. I am thinking about taking on one last project.

    I have seen some land in the North of the country for sale (around £340,000).
    This land has planning permission for a large home to be built on it. The cost of building the home will be around £200,000.

    This will be my final home in which I plan to live in and retire.

    Will it be possible to obtain a mortgage for all the costs (£340,000 + £200,000)? I understand this may be difficult as the property does not exist yet.

    If it isn’t possible to get a Mortgage for the whole price would it be more realistic borrowing for the land or house build.

    Can’t wait for the response.


    #8287 Reply


    Hi Gavriel

    This is quite a complicated question so the best thing will be for you to talk directly with a mortgage adviser.

    You can call the freephone number above or fill in one of the quick enquiry forms at the upper right of the page.

    Hope that helps

    Thank you

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