Tips From a First-Time Homeowner | POPSUGAR Home – POPSUGAR

Buying your first home is a big commitment so getting it right is essential. Reddit user tuttifrutty shares their advice and runs through the top tips when taking on this major milestone in your life. These include finding a house based on the lifestyle you have, not on the lifestyle you aspire to have. Get a feel of the neighbourhoods you are interested in before taking the plunge, and use online tools to calculate affordability.

Key Takeaways:

  • Be clear about why you’re buying a home. Every large decision you have to make about home ownership should somewhat tie in to this.
  • Look at houses based on the lifestyle you have not the lifestyle you aspire to have.
  • Drive around the neighborhoods that you’re interested in. Get a feel of the place. Chat with people who’re out for walks or something and see what they think.

“Look at houses based on the lifestyle you have not the lifestyle you aspire to have.”