The friendliest cities in the world revealed: The happiest and safest destinations have been ranked – so how did YOUR …

This article is very interesting, because it is rating the happiness of different cities. Although,only two cities from Australia made the list, they both scored a whopping nine out of ten. Other things rated in this survey was safety and treatment of tourists. Australians are known for their laid back nature, but this might make tourists nervous. Many other cities made the list, mostly included Scandinavia and Toronto, Canada. Paris was also considered for a place on the list although its nasty reputation towards non-french speaking tourists.

Key Takeaways:

  • Melbourne and Sydney were the only Australian cities listed in the top 100.
  • Many tourists have proven reluctant to travel and holiday in Australia despite generally liking Australians.
  • Oslo, in Norway, ranked number one on the happy scale with tourists; followed by Copenhagen.

“Travel experts and tourists who have jetted around the world were quizzed on their perceptions of each city they visited, and Australian destinations were harshly ranked by overseas holidaymakers.”

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