One royal couple has appealed to the media since they got together. Harry and Meghan spent some time together at a secret location in Africa. Details are now emerging and could be appealing to those who want to learn more about it. The Prince whisked his companion away to the remote location in Africa. That helped them bond together and get to know one another. It is considered to be a romantic destination in its own right.
Key Takeaways:
- Prince Harry took Meghan Markle to Bottswana, Africa as a surprise for her 36th birthday.
- Many thought Prince Harry would propose to Meghan, as Bottswana is a special place to him and they were also celebrating one year together.
- The Boteti River was a highlight on the trip because many wild elephants, zebras, and bucks gather there in the evening to drink.
“On Meghan’s first-ever wildlife safari, the couple watched the sun set behind a spectacular vista of acacia thorn trees and green-backed herons fishing in the river.”