What may be a pipe dream for most young people now days, one man dares to consider whether, with his scrimps and savings, he can afford a property mortgage-free. Is it possible? Can other people follow in his example? With careful investments and a worthwhile portfolio, anything may just be possible.
Key Takeaways:
- Almost £9,000 of his portfolio is held in six high-street bank accounts and the rest is invested in 34 funds with varying degrees of risk
- He estimates such properties cost between £250,000 and £300,000 but appreciates this could all change in five years.
- His plan is to buy a two or three-bedroom property outside the M25, where many of the major accountancy firms are now located.
“”Starting with the €2,000 he received from friends and family in Spain for his First Holy Communion when he was 14, he has built up a pot of £52,569.””