First-time buyers need to save long and hard – Yorkshire Post – Yorkshire Post

First time buying in Yorkshire is getting harder than ever, with the average deposit now standing at over £19,000. This has led to the age of the average first time buyer rising to 27. This isn’t as bad as London, where it’s 32, but buying a house is still a hard challenge. An average house in Yorkshire now stands at £135,719.

Key Takeaways:

  • The average first-time buyer deposit in Yorkshire is £19,462
  • The age of the first time buyer in Yorkshire has crept up to an average 27
  • While not as bad as other areas of the country, saving up for a house as a first time buyer in Yorkshire is hard.

“The average first-time deposit in the UK has doubled over the last ten years and now stands at £32,321 with a four-fold increase to £100,000 in London, according to the latest Halifax First-Time Buyer Review.”