Category: Articles
Wages remain depressed despite low unemployment as workers face double-whammy of high inflation and rising …
Wages have remained low despite low unemployment so workers are facing high inflation and rising mortgage rates. average earnings have increased 2.2 percent which which is 0.1 percent lower than August and 0.3 percent lower than a year ago. The number of people working across the united kingdom fell by 14,000 to 32.06 million. unemployment […]
First-time buyer borrowing in London hits highest level since 2007
London has seen a spike in borrowing among its consumers recently. That has hit the highest level since 2007, a surprising figure. First time buyers have a few options available to them in London. They can rely on these banking institutions to come through for them. Read the report and stay updated on the statistical […]
Britain’s best new homes will take your breath away
For those who think modern homes are boring and without elegance or character, some stunning new homes in Britain will prove you wrong. These homes were voted best by WhatHouse?, a UK property portal. There are winners in various categories. The categories are Best House, Best Renovation, Best Luxury Home, and Best Development. Although they’re […]
5 Essential Digital Marketing Podcasts That All Marketers and Business Owners Should Be Listening To
There are five podcasts listed here which can help someone to better keep up with changing ideas and technology in the field of marketing in the digital age. These podcasts cover various areas such as social media marketing, content marketing, and digital marketing. The podcasts chosen are active and long running, and should offer a […]
It’s time to call the housing crisis what it really is: the largest transfer of wealth in living memory
The UK housing crisis is certainly causing a stir among its citizens. Some are deriding the crisis as the largest transfer of wealth in recent memory. That may be bad news for the economy of the UK in the future. Net wealth in the UK has actually tripled over time since 1995. But inflation and […]
The friendliest cities in the world revealed: The happiest and safest destinations have been ranked – so how did YOUR …
This article is very interesting, because it is rating the happiness of different cities. Although,only two cities from Australia made the list, they both scored a whopping nine out of ten. Other things rated in this survey was safety and treatment of tourists. Australians are known for their laid back nature, but this might make […]
Stamp duty blocking 45000 property purchases a year
Making the housing market more valuble has been a topic for a long time. The stamp duty affects more expensive homes, but it could still jump start the housing market. If more people buy homes then property becomes more valuable. This could potentially allow new home buyers to move up and down the property chains. […]
Strike a deal and move in by Christmas:Stamp duty savings and price reductions among incentives being offered to …
Move into a new house by Christmas and you have a chance at not only discounts and price reductions but even cashback. London has plenty of move in ready duplexes. reselling property normally takes up to two months, between going on the marker and coming under offer. the flats at east city point in canning […]
The buy-to-let boom is on its last legs – what happens now?
Is this the end for the buy to let property market, this article discusses that. the number of landlords out there seems to be on the decrease, instead of renting out, they are selling their house. Will this continue happening, maybe so. The total number of buy to let mortgages which is no longer keeping […]
Budget 2017: if stamp duty is axed for first-time buyers, this is how much they will save, by region
First time home buyers will save lots of money if the stamp duty is taken away. It is recorded that the stamp duty blocks many new home buyers from interacting with the housing market, and with the economy where it was and still is, people are trying to find ways to make housing more affordable. […]