You can’t get a mortgage on them. They don’t have running water or toilets. There’s no privacy. And you can haul them away at a moment’s notice. But they’re on sale for £275,000 and there’s no shortage of interested shoppers. They’re luxury beach huts on a beach in Dorset, England. On top of the ridiculous price tag, around £1600 per square foot, which rivals London’s Chelsea neighborhood, one of the most expensive places in the world to live, buyers will also have to pay £2000 per year to the local council for a license, plus another £500 council tax.
Key Takeaways:
- While inflation across the UK appears to have home buyers thinking twice, their rational buttons go a bit wonky, so it would seem, when it comes to beach huts.
- Even when the beach property is tiny, lacking in privacy, security, and even at times plumbing, people appear willing to pay through the nose.
- To put it in perspective, a beach hut averaging at £1,600 per square foot, costs the same as a home in London’s Chelsea, without adding in council tax and local council annual fees.
“I think people are a bit bonkers to be honest but I’m just selling them, not buying them.”
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